10 Commandments
of Garden First
Garden First
It is as simple as it sounds- put the garden first. When making any decision, prioritize the needs of the garden
One leaf at a time
It’s easy to get caught up and overwhelmed due to a variety of external circumstances and stimuli. Remember to take a step back, breath, and focus on one task at a time.
Be passionate
— love what you do
Remember always you are here doing what you love.
Be honest, be transparent,
and you will be successful
Listen to others but don’t be afraid to express yourself. More importantly, know the difference between listening and waiting for your turn to talk.
Respect every voice,
even your own
Work doesn’t end when you leave the garden. Always represent the company in a positive light.
Always represent the brand
Work doesn’t end when you leave the garden. Always represent the company in a positive light.
Act like an owner,
become an owner
Those who act like owners and elevate the culture and the brand will be acknowledged, recognized, and rewarded.
Be a Paycheck Maker,
not a Paycheck Taker
There are those who work for a check, and those who work to contribute to something bigger. Aspire to be at your best.
Sustainability breeds scalability
Scaling of an operation will only be successful if the methods and foundations are sustainable. This can be applied on both a micro and macro level.
Don’t have an ego
Big and assumptive egos stay out of the garden. Nobody is the best grower in the world. Everybody can learn from everybody else, which leads to our last commandment.